应用案例 Application Case
  • Monitoring focused ultrasound opens blood-brain barrier
  • Real-time imaging of blood flow in mouse hindlimbs
  • Lymphatic drainage imaging in living mice
  • Monitoring gastrointestinal motility in living mice
  • Simultaneous dynamic monitoring of arterial vasoconstriction in mice
  • Multiplexed dynamic tracking of neutrophil behavior in acute inflammation
  • In vivo microscopy imaging of tumor cell movement in mouse brains
  • Fluorescence-guided surgical navigation
软件支持 Software Support
The users of Digital Biotech include many well-known universities, scientific research institutions and hospitals in China, the United States, Europe, etc. Our technology and products provide strong support for their scientific research projects and medical experimental research.
Intensified Light Field for image acquisition and mechanical control
IMAGEBLOCKS for data processing
Labview for fluorescence lifetime data processing
机械支持 Mechanical Support

Customized mechanical design

Two different lens enable to adjust the imaging field of views.

The excitation light source can be easily switched to meet the needs of multiple excitation.

Autofocus through precise algorithms.

Multiple excitation with uniform power density.

Customized translation stage that can be moved in XYZ directions.

Customized accessories service

Anesthesia system (optional): To enable long-term anesthesia of small and medium-sized animals during the experiment.

Temperature control platform: To ensure that the body temperature of small animals (especially nude mice, etc.) is normal, and minimize the impact of low temperature environment on the final experimental data.

Server: To install software for data acquisition and processing.